Friday, March 23, 2007

What Goes Through Their Heads?

Note:this post is not about me,nor does it reflect anything that I've really done or thought before(that much).

As I walk down the filthy sidewalks in this huge city of New York,I stare at all the people around me and wonder.I wonder what they did last night,wonder if they've been in jail,wonder how they got here,wonder where they're from and where they're going.I wonder What they're thinking about now,who they're thinking about now,and if they're wondering the same things about me.I wonder what they see in their eyes.
I wonder what they hear,what they smell.I sometimes wonder very random things,like:Do they have a blog of their own,have they read my blog,will they be in any part of my future,what is their favorite color,favorite food,favorite sport.I wonder,what were they like when they were my age,what they will be like when they're my age.I stand there wondering.

I know some of these things might not be any of my business,or it might not be important,but that doesn't keep me from wondering.

Then,out of the corner of my eye,as I was wondering,I see a bus full of people go by.I see the people,and they see me.Then the wondering starts again.


Fallacy's Nemesis said...

Youre best work yet

Fallacy's Nemesis said...

i spellt dat rongue

yer best werk yet