Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cool Invention Thing

It's amazing!It's splendid!It's fantastic!It's hard to believe that nobody's invented it before!It's THE CHICKEN GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It shoots chickens up to 70 feet!It also shoots frozen,cooked,and even live
chickens!It even holds up to 8 of them at a time!!!!It's very lightweight(as long as the chickens are light) and it rests on your shoulder.There's a cap in the back of the Chicken Gun,so you can reload it and on the cap,there's a meter that tells how many chickens are in it.No more losing at food fights,this baby can win a foodfight with just a few blows!No more getting your arm all tired from throwing your chickens at people.If you're hungry,just shoot a chicken at your mouth!Your older brothers won't bug you anymore as long as you have one of these(unless they have their own).Need to take some chicken to a party?No problem!Just take your very own Chicken Gun and shoot it at the plates!Instant chicken for everyone!Buy your own Chicken Gun today!It's perfect for all ages!Chickens and batteries not included.Oh wait,it doesn't take batteries...
Caution:Chicken Gun may cause harm to chickens.Give all ckickens helmets and kneepads before launching them.If any chickens are seriously hurt,do something completely uncalled for and unnecessary.

Friday, March 23, 2007

What Goes Through Their Heads?

Note:this post is not about me,nor does it reflect anything that I've really done or thought before(that much).

As I walk down the filthy sidewalks in this huge city of New York,I stare at all the people around me and wonder.I wonder what they did last night,wonder if they've been in jail,wonder how they got here,wonder where they're from and where they're going.I wonder What they're thinking about now,who they're thinking about now,and if they're wondering the same things about me.I wonder what they see in their eyes.
I wonder what they hear,what they smell.I sometimes wonder very random things,like:Do they have a blog of their own,have they read my blog,will they be in any part of my future,what is their favorite color,favorite food,favorite sport.I wonder,what were they like when they were my age,what they will be like when they're my age.I stand there wondering.

I know some of these things might not be any of my business,or it might not be important,but that doesn't keep me from wondering.

Then,out of the corner of my eye,as I was wondering,I see a bus full of people go by.I see the people,and they see me.Then the wondering starts again.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Lunacy.Complete lunacy.

Take a look at my brother's blog, www.levelheadedlunacy.blogspot.com .
If you click on "August 2005" you will notice that in the second post on that page he talks about his late parrot,Mimi.
I remember I used to fear that old bird.I had ever since I was too young to remember what happened that night(my brother told me about it a while ago):I had been left on the table or something like that and everyone else was somewhere else.Mimi climbed up on that table or something like that and,well,she wanted to seehow my hand tasted.I still have that scar on my hand,although you can't see it very well.So,I used to run away whenever Mimi was out of her cage.I think she somehow knew that I was scared of her ,because she used to squak at me and chase after me,atleast,that's what I thought she did.Sometimes though,she would be friendly and i could pat her or something.I really didn't understand why she would be nice to my brother and how he used to carry her around.
You know,though I kind of liked Mimi a little.And now,I miss her too.
And I'm with my brother,I hope where she is,There aren't any cages to keep her from exploring her world and I hope there's an endless supply of sunflower seeds and peanuts for her to chomp up and there are whole plains of newspaper to poop on and there are tons of little hands for her to "taste" and other wonderful things like that.

Which brings me to a conclusion,that doesn't have much to do with that but I want to right more,that this is an insane world we have here.

Wait,that wasn't our conclusion.This world of our's is insane,though.
All the time,you have this stupid song that you don't even like stuck in your head while you lay awake in bed,thinking about what's going on in the world,wondering if you'll ever fall asleep.The next thing you know,you're looking at your bedroom ceiling with the sun shining through the window and no matter how hard you try,you can't remember how that song went.Then you're getting ready for work when you realize you have the day off,so you run into town to buy some stuff,still trying to remember that song and while you're listening to your car's radio,you get another stupid song in your head.You stay in town until late at night,and while you're running back to your car you constantly look over your shoulder,looking for that imaginary person that you just know is gonna grab you while tht song is playing your head.The next day,you find out that you've just become rich.You go to get the money,and once you walk outside some police think you stole the money and they throw you in jail.Then you wake up finding out that it was all a dream.And you have thesong you were listening to in the car in your dream stuck in your head.
Just remember,be young,think smart,stay true,and just follow your heart.
--I got that from my cousin.

Life is like that.Live with it.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Spaceman Spiff Log Book Day:571

Today was just another typical day for me,the splendid Spaceman Spiff.The day started off just like any other day,scrambled eggs from the egg of the zorlokkian slime-bird,some kolopiarian toast, and graakohn drink for breakfast at my camp on the last decent planet that I had found.

After breakfast I climbed in my spaceship and took off at mach 7.After a few hours I began getting bored,so I stopped by one of those wierd fastfood restaurants near Aahkorlii 12.Then,I flew through that solar system with my radio cranked way up(even though I couldn't really understand any of the words to the songs,because most aliens don't speak English.Get it??ALIENS???Get it??You know,like,people from other countries??Get it??Oh,boy,do I crack myself up!!!).After I had just drifted through space listening to the radio,drifting off to sleep,my spiffcraft wandered into an asteroid belt!I woke up just in time and I tried to steer clear from all of the asteroids.They all shot by me,superfast,but I managed to dodge most of them.Then a small one hit the spiffcraft!It smashed the engine and the craft just floated there for a few seconds until more and more clobbered the crazy-cool craft!Then I went down.

I tried everything to stop from crash landing on the planet below,but it was no use.I decided to prepare for impact. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,t---CRAASSHH!
I climbed out from the smoking wreckage and looked around.It was a seemingly deserted planet,full of mountainous terrain,craters,geisers,and pools of who-knows-what.Sounded like the planet Crakooanooie that i had read about,but that meant it would not be deserted.I got my zorcher ready,just in case.I heard a noise behind me,and the next thing I knew,I was in a chamber-like room full of ugly aliens.

They were trying to question me,but I didn't understand their language.So,I just knocked one down,stole its jetpack thing,and took off.The creatures were right on my tail,but, I managed to zorch most of them and loose the others in the mountainy terrain.I made it back to my super spunky spiffcraft(or what was left of it)and made a few quick fixings.Then I started it up and took off into deep space at,this time,a slower mach 5.I still managed to escape,though.

And so,today was just another typical day for the splendid specimen of spirit and spunk,the super Spaceman Spiff!

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Haiku(s) of the Day!

lack of and all of
black and white,darkness and light

I love pie,pie good
I love pie,pie loves me,pie
pie,pie is yummy

cheese,pie,taco sauce


Monday, January 15, 2007


Imagine is now over a year old!Hurray for me!Zippedy doo-dah,zippedy-ay!Happy birthday!Let's throw a party!I'll get some punch and cheese and chips and oatmeal and pemmican and balloons and confetti andsewing machines!Or not.Hurray for Imagine anyway:):)!!!!!!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

Food Wars II

More Food Wars!!!!!!!

Doughnut Man:
Doughnut Man is my friend's superhero character.Heis also known as Donut Man or D.M.He is of course,a peanut!No!He is actually a doughnut,duh!He is very,well strange,like Captain Candy,but even stranger.He has a big hole in the middle of him and his mouth is next to that hole.It is pretty muchly unknown what is inside that hole.I say there is a large,blank,uninhabited void behind it,but that's just a theory.D.M. is a great friend of C.C.'s.He can be strange and sometimes (actually most of the time) act stupid,but on purpose.Although,he can be very serious. Doughnut Man has a funny little hat that says DM on it.He is drawn a little more cartoony and a little more doodley than C.C.