Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cool Invention Thing

It's amazing!It's splendid!It's fantastic!It's hard to believe that nobody's invented it before!It's THE CHICKEN GUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It shoots chickens up to 70 feet!It also shoots frozen,cooked,and even live
chickens!It even holds up to 8 of them at a time!!!!It's very lightweight(as long as the chickens are light) and it rests on your shoulder.There's a cap in the back of the Chicken Gun,so you can reload it and on the cap,there's a meter that tells how many chickens are in it.No more losing at food fights,this baby can win a foodfight with just a few blows!No more getting your arm all tired from throwing your chickens at people.If you're hungry,just shoot a chicken at your mouth!Your older brothers won't bug you anymore as long as you have one of these(unless they have their own).Need to take some chicken to a party?No problem!Just take your very own Chicken Gun and shoot it at the plates!Instant chicken for everyone!Buy your own Chicken Gun today!It's perfect for all ages!Chickens and batteries not included.Oh wait,it doesn't take batteries...
Caution:Chicken Gun may cause harm to chickens.Give all ckickens helmets and kneepads before launching them.If any chickens are seriously hurt,do something completely uncalled for and unnecessary.

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